It's time to take a look at your dog's baselines


It's been a week since you installed your Minitailz

You've had the Minitailz installed on your app for a week now! If your dog has been wearing the collar for this whole time, it's time to take a closer look at all his data.Before you start, make sure your dog has actually been wearing the collar for a few days at least. This will allow you to have an initial analysis over a long enough period to be representative. Additionally, it is necessary that your dog has worn the Minitailz for most of the time over these few days. If your dog does not regularly wear the collar, then the averages per day will be skewed and comparisons between days will be impossible.

How to interpret your dog's data?

Health data

By opening the map in the Geolocation tab, you can select the period you want to view and scroll through all of your dog's movements, day after day, week after week...A dog's walking needs depend on their breed, age, and behavior. From a short walk around the house to a long walk in the forest, make sure you take your dog out enough based on their needs.


Every day, the collar provides you with the resting average of your dog's heart rate and respiratory rate. After wearing the collar for a few days, you can discover in the Health tab the first normal values for your dog. A dog's resting heart and respiratory rate can depend on many factors such as breed, age, activity level, temperature, and stress. Learn to interpret day-to-day variations in light of these elements.If you notice a significant unexplained variation, or a regular and continuous increase in your dog's heart rate over the long term, it may be due to an illness. Contact your veterinarian for assistance.

Activity tracking

In the Activity tab, learn to discover your dog's activities day after day during their day. It's important to understand what your dog's normal trends are in order to know their daily needs, but also to detect any variations in their habits that may seem abnormal to you.For example, a dog that barks much more than usual can be a sign of boredom, anxiety, need for exercise, or illness.